Thinking about the Future; Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion -Cultural Policy and Cities for Foreign Residents: A Comparison of Cases in Japan and other Asian Countries-

Date & Time

Thursday, Oct 21th, 2021
9:00 am -12:00 pm


Zoom meeting


Japanese with English Translation


Yuka Yamaguchi(Q-AOS Research Fellow, Kyushu University)
Akemi Minamida (Research Fellow of JSPS, Kyushu University)


Thinking about the Future; Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion
-Cultural Policy and Cities for Foreign Residents: A Comparison of Cases in Japan and other Asian Countries-


Dr. Rimi Khan(Lecturer at RMIT International University Vietnam)
Dr. Jinkyung Min(Associate Professor, Hokkaido University of Education)
Dr. Yuki Asakura (AssociateProfessor, Komatsu Universiy/Research Officer,Agency for Cultural Affairs)
Dr. Akemi Minamida(Post-Doctoral Fellow, Faculty of Design of Kyushu University, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
Dr. Geerhardt Kornatowski (Lecturer, Graduate School of Comparative Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University)
Dr. Yuka Yamaguchi (Q-AOS Research Fellow, Kyushu University)


The expanding global human migration due to globalisation has had a variety of impacts on modern society. The increase in the number of cross-border migrants and foreign workers has raised various issues concerning the lives of foreign residents and discrimination in host societies, and has led to widespread discussions on social inclusion and coexistence among people with diverse backgrounds (nationality, race, language, gender, disability, class, etc.).In particular, with the growing threat of the rise of home-country-first mentality, as well as criticism and conflict over racism and hate speech against certain people, social fragmentation has become a serious challenge. The COVID-19 pandemic has further encouraged such fragmentation. In other words, lockdowns in various regions have created walls that restrict human traffic across national and metropolitan borders, and the thorough implementation of social distancing has radically changed lifestyles and the ways of culture and arts in society, as well as the relationships between people. The exclusion of people of certain races, ethnicities, or occupations has become apparent in the world under the pandemic, as is fresh in our minds. Our world is surrounded by walls that separate people of different backgrounds, and it is important to consider the various problems created by these walls, and continue discussions towards solving them, in order to build a new society after the pandemic.
Therefore, this project will deliberate on the ideal form and prospects of a society consisting of people from different backgrounds while consciously considering the existence of various walls in the modern world from the perspective of cultural policies and practices in Asian cities including Japan.

Part I includes reports from young researchers engaged in the study of cultural policies in cities in Asia and subsequent discussions.
Part II proceeds in a workshop format, and through interactive exchanges between the speakers and the audience, participants will experience the barriers of language and physics surrounding us, and consider ways to communicate to overcome those barriers.
(Please click the link here for Part II)


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It is possible to leave during the session and participate only in the workshop/discussion.


Yuka Yamaguchi (Research Fellow of Q-AOS, Kyushu University)
[E-mail] yamaguchi.yuka.931★
※Please change the ★ in email address to @.